동북아시아지방정부연합 로고

东北亚交流合作中心, 东北亚地区地方政府联合会


秘书处活动 公示公告

Invitation to『2019 Northeast Asia Young Leaders Forum2019-05-24


文件 첨부파일 KakaoTalk_20190524_090942760.jpg  


The NEAR Secretariat and the Government of Krasnoyarsk region will hold『2019 Northeast Asia Young Leaders Forum』for young people from member regions to broaden their understanding of Northeast Asia and provide an opportunity to grow in their understanding of responsible leadership through discussions on the future of Northeast Asia and exchange. We look forward to your participation. ※ Event Overview - Event Name : ‘2019 Northeast Asia Young Leaders Forum’ - Topic : Historical Exchange and Future of Northeast Asia - Event Period : July 9 (Tue.) – July 15 (Mon.), 2019 - Venue : BIRYUSA Camping Site, Krasnoyarsk, Russia (accommodation: outdoor tents) - Eligible Participants : Undergraduate and graduate students, or those in their 20s with less than 5 years of work experience (Participants must be able to speak English.) - Support Contents : A part of air fare for participants who fly from their country to Krasnoyarsk, Russia and all the expenses are covered for the duration of their stay at BIRYUSA Camping Site. - Recommended Number of Participants: Maximum two participants from each NEAR Member Regional Governments - Application Deadline : by May 31, 2019 (Fri.) - Selection & Notification : June 7, 2019 (Fri.) ※Successful applicants will be notified of the details of the schedule following their selection.