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NEAR Seconded Official from China Attends TF Meeting for Subcommittee on International Exchange of Human Resources2018-04-05


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Wu Miaomiao, the NEAR seconded official from China visited Hunchun City on March 29 (Thur.) and held a working-level meeting to prepare the first NEAR Subcommittee meeting on International Exchange of Human Resources with the Task-force team of Hunchun City.
At this meeting, the NEAR Secretariat was asked to invite experts on each session for the first subcommittee meeting held in the form of a forum. Requests were also made to promote the Hunchun City video and the preparation status of the International Talent Exchange Forum on the NEAR secretariat website.

The task force team for the Subcommittee on International Exchange of Human Resources is composed of 12 working-level officers who are in charge of international affairs within each administrative division of Hunchun City. Meetings are held every Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday at the Department of Labor.