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NEAR Secretary-General Meets with Governor of Krasnoyarsk Territory2018-04-17


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On April 11 (Wed.), the NEAR Secretary-General visited the Krasnoyarsk Territory to attend the General Assembly of the Northern Forum and the Krasnoyarsk Economic Forum 2018. Secretary-General Hong met with Governor Alexander Uss of Krasnoyarsk Territory, who expressed his gratitude for the invitation for the forum, and further cooperation with NEAR.

At the meeting, Secretary-General Hong invited Governor Uss to the NEAR General Assembly due to be held in mid-September in Zhangjiajie, Hunan Province, China, and he requested the active participation of Krasnoyarsk Territory in Subcommittee meetings, including the Subcommittee on Logistics and Transportation. Governor Uss responded positively to participating actively in NEAR events and he requested increased and stronger exchange and cooperation in the field of agriculture and youth between the NEAR Secretariat and Krasnoyarsk Territory.

With regards to youth exchange and cooperation, Governor Uss stated that he hoped that the youth from NEAR member regions would participate in the Krasnoyarsk International Youth Forum, which is held annually in Taiga region. The region has been designated a World Heritage site for the preservation of environment and ecosystem of the Artic region. On April 12, the acting director of the International Cooperation Department, Park Sungmin met with an official of the Biryusa Youth Program to discuss the feasibility of a joint project with the Youth Leaders forum for youth aged 18 to 30.