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NEAR Secretariat Participates in Seminar on Future Logistics Market Outlook2018-04-17


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Director Kwon Tae-nam of Planning and Public Relations and Officer Jung En-young from the NEAR Secretariat participated the 'Seminar on Future Logistics in Northern Area and Strategies for Cooperation' which took place from April 12 to 13. The seminar was held at the Korea Chamber of Commerce and Industry in Seoul over two days, and covered the topics of the growth and utilization plan of the northern logistics market, the state of the Russian logistics market and market entry, the state of the Mongolian logistics market and advancement plan, Eurasia cargo transportation system, and the innovation of logistics utilizing blockchain technology. The seminar provided a great opportunity for Secretariat personnel to gather important information for the First NEAR Subcommittee on Logistics and Transportation and to network with experts in the field.