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2018 NEAR Subcommittee Meeting on Energy and Climate Change2018-09-27


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On September 15, 2018, the meeting for the Subcommittee on Energy and Climate Change was held in Taiyuan, Shanxi Province, China. The meeting was attended by participants of 11 member regional governments in 4 countries in Northeast Asia from Korea, China, Russia and Mongolia, and 50 experts and representatives in related energy research institutions. At the meeting, speakers delivered presentations on customized countermeasures regarding heat, microbial aerosol research on fine dust pollution in China, and low carbon power technology in Altai region, Russia for adaptation to global climate change. Discussions and exchange on ideas among the member regional governments also took place.
Daegu Metropolitan City of Korea served as the coordinator of the subcommittee meetings from 2012 to August 2016. Shanxi Province, China has served the subcommittee meetings as the coordinator since September 2016.

On the evening of Sunday September 16, 2018, Secretary-General Hong Jong-kyoung met with Deputy Director Bai Yuzhen of the Foreign Affairs Office of Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region at Lihua Hotel in Taiyuan City, and exchanged views on events and issues regarding NEAR. Representatives of Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region strongly stated its willingness to take on the role of coordinator for the Subcommittee on Tourism.

On Monday, September 17, Secretary-General Hong Jong-kyoung visited Datong City, a leader in energy innovation in China, where he met with Vice-Mayor Feng Sujing. Vice-Mayor Feng Sujing briefed the Secretariat on the current state of industries and discussed external cooperation of the city.