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NEAR Secretariat Visits Jeollanam-do Province, ROK2018-12-06


File 첨부파일 181204-05 전라남도 방문.jpg  


A NEAR delegation headed by Choi Ju-hwa, manager of the International Cooperation Team, visited Jeaollanam-do Provincial Office on Tuesday, December 4, 2018 and held a meeting with Director General for International Cooperation, Sun Kyung-il.


A representative of the International Cooperation Office of Jeollanam-do Province delivered a message of gratitude to the NEAR Secretariat for their support in the signing of a letter of intent for friendly relationship between the province and the Sakha Republic (Yakutia). Jeollanam-do Province also asked for continuous support to expand their exchange and cooperation with Eurasia, including the Russian far east.

A representative from the NEAR Secretariat thanked Jeollanam-do Province for their active participation and also for their work in acting as the coordinator of the Subcommittee on Agriculture and for their future participation in NEAR events. The NEAR Secretariat expressed its wishes for Jeollanam-do Province to promote agricultural projects connecting South Korea, North Korea, and Russia, such as the development of regional seeds in extremely cold areas through the Subcommittee meetings on Agriculture.



The meeting was attended by Sun Kyung-il, the director general for international cooperation, Kim Song-won, the director for international cooperation, and Jang Woo-jae and Kim Su-mi, staff members of the International Cooperation Office from Jeollanam-do Province. From the NEAR Secretariat, Choi Ju-hwa, manager, Anastasia Konstantinova, seconded official from Russia, Artem Egorov, expert on Russia, and Jung En-young, officer for international organizations of the International Cooperation Department attended the meeting.


Jeollanam-do Province has been the coordinator of the Subcommittee on Agriculture since 2013. In 2014, Jeollanam-do Province successfully held the NEAR General Assembly and Working Committee as the 10th Chair of NEAR.