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Secretary-General Kim Ok-chae Gives Congratulatory Speech via Video at the Fifth China-Arab States Expo2021-08-26


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NEAR Secretary-General Kim Ok-chae delivered a congratulatory speech via video at the Fifth China-Arab States Expo, which took place from August 19 to 22. The expo was hosted by Chinese member the Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region.

Mr. Kim stated that the expo would serve as a bridge to connect Northeast Asia and the Arab world. He also stressed that sustainable development between regions could be realized when “heartful exchange” is carried out in the spirit of reciprocity and equality.

Mr. Kim’s congratulatory speech was also reported on Ningxia Ribao, the Ningxia government newspaper, and Sina.com, the largest Chinese-language web portal.

The China-Arab States Expo is a representative platform for exchange and cooperation of China and the Arab world. It is Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region’s largest international event, which is held biennially.