동북아시아지방정부연합 로고

동북아 광역지방정부 교류 협력의 중심, 동북아시아지방정부연합


사무국 활동 공지사항

2018 동북아시아 청년 리더스 포럼 개최 안내2018-05-16


파일 첨부파일 [Poster] 2018 Northeast Asia Young Leaders Forum.png  


The NEAR Secretariat is hosting the ‘Northeast Asia Young Leaders Forum 2018’ to provide opportunities for future leaders, to increase capacity and exposure through exchange and discussion on the future of the region. ○ Topic: The Future of Northeast Asia and Entrepreneurship ○ Dates: August 17(Fri.)-22(Wed.) 2018 ○ Venue: Handong Global University, Pohang City, South Korea ○ Eligibility: college/graduate students OR young professionals in their 20s, with a maximum of five years of work experience. English proficiency required.