동북아시아지역자치단체연합 로고

동북아 광역지방정부 교류 협력의 중심, 동북아시아지역자치단체연합




61 DEOKWON ENG Ha Jepyo Manufacture of sections for ships Shipbuilding 052-203-4427
62 DONGBU Lee Doohee Manufacture of sections for ships Shipbuilding 052-201-5755
63 DONGYOUNG TECH Kim Sungkwang Manufacture of sections for ships Ship painting 052-235-8487
64 DONGIL Yoon Seobyung Manufacture of sections for ships Shipbuilding 052-202-7487
65 DONGCHEON ENG Kim Sangbin Manufacture of sections for ships Shipbuilding 052-202-6315
66 DOOHONG TECH Lee Changhyub Manufacture of sections for ships Shipbuilding 052-202-1812
67 MJ ENG Kwon Jungo Manufacture of sections for ships Shipbuilding 052-250-6918
68 MISONG Kang Eunnam Manufacture of sections for ships Shipbuilding 052-202-4822
69 BOKYOUNG Lee Bumseok Manufacture of sections for ships Shipbuilding 052-202-6985
70 Seyoung Global Co.,LTD Kim Yongseok Manufacture of sections for ships Sections for ships 052-202-4388