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Changchun City of Jilin Province, China Hosts the 17th Korea-China Local Government Exchange Conference2023-04-24



The 17th Korea-China Local Government Exchange Conference was held in Chanchun City, Jilin Province, China, between April 18 and 21, under the theme of "Korea-China Exchange and Strengthening of Local Cooperation."

○ This conference was co-hosted by the Korean embassy in China, Governors Association of the Republic of Korea, and Foreign Affairs Office of Changchun People's Government, Jilin Province. The event was attended by over 350 local government officials of the two countries (over 100 persons from Korea and over 250 persons from China), including CHOI Hee-deok, Korean consulate-general to Shenyang, WANG Zilian, deputy secretary of the Changchun Municipal Party Committee, CHEN Li, director of the Foreign Trade Office, under the Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs, and KIM Sang-gwang, director of China Office, Governors Association of the Republic of Korea. It was the largest conference ever held in the history of event. During the conference, they discussed ways to cooperate between local governments of the two countries.

○ The 17th Korea-China Local Government Exchange Conference was first held on February 1, 2002. Ever since then, Chinese cities took turns, and each hosted the conference every year. It is working as a bridge connecting the local governments of the two countries in the areas of economic trade and friendly exchange. 

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Sources: Yonhap News, Shenyang, Changchun Municipal Internet Safety Information Commission Office, 20 Century Newspim