동북아시아지역자치단체연합 로고

АРАССВА,  центр сотрудничества Северо-Восточной Азии

Бизнесийн түнш хайх

Бизнесийн түнш хайх

Бизнесийн түнш хайх

Бизнесийн түнш хайх
ДугаарКомпаний нэрЗахиралБизнесийн төрөлГоллох үйлдвэрлэлийн бүтээгдэхүүнУтасны дугаар
91 ULSAN ENGINEERINGS Lee Hakgeun Manufacture of mould and metallic patterns Automotive mold model 052-257-4107
92 BJ TECH Park Jinho Manufacture of mould and metallic patterns mold 052-281-7530
93 GS TECH Lee Kyuil Manufacture of mould and metallic patterns mold 010-9279-3368
94 KANGMU TECH Lee Woonki Manufacture of mould and metallic patterns molds 010-3568-4062
95 MANDO Sung Ilmo Manufacture of other new parts and accessories for motor vehicles n.e.c. Automobile chassis components (braking, steering, suspension) 052-933-7600
96 MICRO TEC Ma Sangyeol Manufacture of distilling machinery, heat exchangers and gas generators Parts of heat exchanger 052-227-6420
97 TS MTEC Ma Daeyeol Manufacture of distilling machinery, heat exchangers and gas generators heat transmitter 052-270-1744
98 YONGSAN Jeon Haksoo Manufacture of other new parts and accessories for motor vehicles n.e.c. Car seat, SunVisor 052-219-0794
99 U&I HOLDINGS Kim Taesoo Manufacture of other new parts and accessories for motor vehicles n.e.c. Jig 070-7722-8655
100 YOUWON INTERNATIONAL Kim Youngchul Manufacture of other new parts and accessories for motor vehicles n.e.c. Handles 052-285-2803