동북아시아지역자치단체연합 로고

АРАССВА,  центр сотрудничества Северо-Восточной Азии

Бизнесийн түнш хайх

Бизнесийн түнш хайх

Бизнесийн түнш хайх

Бизнесийн түнш хайх
ДугаарКомпаний нэрЗахиралБизнесийн төрөлГоллох үйлдвэрлэлийн бүтээгдэхүүнУтасны дугаар
151 JUNGWON MACHINARIES Won Kyungyeon Manufacture of agricultural and forestry machinery Gearing coaxial 052-254-2380
152 JM GEAR Won Kyungyeon Manufacture of agricultural and forestry machinery Gearing coaxial 052-254-2380
153 NARAE Kim Dukhyun Manufacture of internal combustion piston engines Ship engines 010-2441-3378
154 HANAM HEAVY INDUSTRIAL Kim Dongseok Manufacture of internal combustion piston engines Ship engines 052-292-6066
155 KEUMHO INDUSTRIAL Han Kibong Manufacture of metal frameworks or skeletons for land structure and parts thereof Steel structure 010-3868-0406
156 Shinjin Son Soonim Manufacture of metal frameworks or skeletons for land structure and parts thereof Steel structure 052-289-6633
157 JINIL TECH Ko Hanbong Manufacture of basic iron and steel Forced cutting 052-238-9611
158 JI ENG. Jeon Kwangwoo Manufacture of basic iron and steel Cutting and processing 052-259-8800
159 OSEONG ENG. Yoo Yiwoon Manufacture of sections for ships Ship painting 052-250-6949
160 WONYANG Hong Soonchul Manufacture of sections for ships Welding 052-202-4865