동북아시아지역자치단체연합 로고

АРАССВА,  центр сотрудничества Северо-Восточной Азии

Бизнесийн түнш хайх

Бизнесийн түнш хайх

Бизнесийн түнш хайх

Бизнесийн түнш хайх
ДугаарКомпаний нэрЗахиралБизнесийн төрөлГоллох үйлдвэрлэлийн бүтээгдэхүүнУтасны дугаар
41 Shin Han Heavy Industries Jung Sunyoung Manufacture of sections for ships Ship structures 052-240-5091
42 Yiyoung Industrial Machinery Lee Jungho Manufacture of sections for ships Ship block 052-231-5800
43 Yiyoung Industrial Machinery Lee Jungho Manufacture of sections for ships Sections for ships 052-231-5800
44 SEIL Lim Geoil Manufacture of sections for ships Sections for ships 052-237-2007
45 SEJIN HEAVY INDUSTRIES Ga Baekhyun Manufacture of sections for ships Dackhause lpgtank,v/dunit 052-231-8000
46 SWIC KOREA Kim Jinyoung Manufacture of sections for ships pipe,spool 052-239-6930
47 YOUNG KWANG MACHINE CO,. LTD Heo Chulki Manufacture of sections for ships ship unites 052-240-2402
48 SKSTEEL Cho Kangrae Manufacture of sections for ships Mold making 052-277-2122
49 KOOKIL Jeon Jungduk Manufacture of sections for ships Industrial Safety Equipment 052-266-3074
50 Sangrim Seo Kwangok Manufacture of sections for ships DAMPER, SILENCER 052-267-7686