동북아시아지역자치단체연합 로고

АРАССВА,  центр сотрудничества Северо-Восточной Азии

Бизнесийн түнш хайх

Бизнесийн түнш хайх

Бизнесийн түнш хайх

Бизнесийн түнш хайх
ДугаарКомпаний нэрЗахиралБизнесийн төрөлГоллох үйлдвэрлэлийн бүтээгдэхүүнУтасны дугаар
61 DEOKWON ENG Ha Jepyo Manufacture of sections for ships Shipbuilding 052-203-4427
62 DONGBU Lee Doohee Manufacture of sections for ships Shipbuilding 052-201-5755
63 DONGYOUNG TECH Kim Sungkwang Manufacture of sections for ships Ship painting 052-235-8487
64 DONGIL Yoon Seobyung Manufacture of sections for ships Shipbuilding 052-202-7487
65 DONGCHEON ENG Kim Sangbin Manufacture of sections for ships Shipbuilding 052-202-6315
66 DOOHONG TECH Lee Changhyub Manufacture of sections for ships Shipbuilding 052-202-1812
67 MJ ENG Kwon Jungo Manufacture of sections for ships Shipbuilding 052-250-6918
68 MISONG Kang Eunnam Manufacture of sections for ships Shipbuilding 052-202-4822
69 BOKYOUNG Lee Bumseok Manufacture of sections for ships Shipbuilding 052-202-6985
70 Seyoung Global Co.,LTD Kim Yongseok Manufacture of sections for ships Sections for ships 052-202-4388