The hub of exchange & cooperation in Northeast Asia
Subcommittee on Economy and Humanities Exchange
Gyeongsangbuk-do Province, South Korea
Background and Purpose
To promote Northeast Asia’s economy and trade, Gyeongsangbuk-do Province planned and held the first complex economy event in 1998, which contained an academic conference, trade business, etc., bringing together Northeast Asia’s public officers, businesses, buyers, and other officials.
Since 1999, Gyeongsangbuk-do Province has led the coordination of the Subcommittee on Economy and Trade and held conferences. The subcommittee’s name changed to the Subcommittee on Economy and Humanities Exchange at the 9th Working Committee Meeting in 2013.
Beyond cooperation in economics and trade, it aims to expand humanities exchange at the level of confluence and creative economy in line with the new era of cultural prosperity.
Major Activities
Expanding the exchange of humanities history in Northeast Asia
Establish networks for humanities exchange between NEAR members to promote cultural prosperity in Northeast Asia
Excavate content in humanities shared by Northeast Asian countries to improve understanding between regions
Substantializing economic and trade exchange in Northeast Asia
Utilize the network for trade cooperation to improve exchange in creation, confluence, and economics in Northeast Asia
Diversify content, such as best model villages and the Saemaul Undong Movement, among others, to share information on economic development