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[Gwangju Metropolitan City, South Korea] Gwangju Seeks Ways to Cooperate with the Delegation from Wenzhou City, China2023-05-17



○ GANG Gi-jeong, the mayor of Gwangju Metropolitan City met with WANG Zhenyong,  the deputy-mayor of the Ministry of Economy of Wenzhou City, China and his delegation during their visit on Monday, May 15. They discussed exchange and cooperation plans between the two cities.

○ Mayor Gang emphasized Gwangju’s commitment to fostering advanced industries, with AI and future vehicles being key pillars, and expressed the desire to strengthen practical cooperation based on the common main industries of the two cities including automobiles, AI, and culture and history exchange, etc.

Original Article: https://www.newspim.com/news/view/20230515001044

Source: Newspim