공인신조 및 폐기 공고
동북아시아지방정부연합사무국 공고 제2025-03호 공인신조 및 폐기 공고 「공인관리 규정」제5조 제3항에 의거 신조 및 폐기공인을 다음과 같이 공고합니다. ...
25-02-11Announcement of the Results and Winners of the 12th NEAR Youth Art Contest
We would like to express our deep thanks to all youth participants from around five Northeast Asian ...
24-11-05Clippings of Chinese Press Releases in Regards to the 12th NEAR Youth Art Contest
Clippings of Chinese Press Releases in Regards to the 12th NEAR Youth Art Contest
25-01-08Clippings of Press Releases in Regards to the Inaugural Meeting of the NEAR Subcommittee on Innovation Plus
Clippings of Press Releases in Regards to the Inaugural Meeting of the NEAR Subcommittee on Innovati ...
24-10-25Regional stability in Northeast Asia and world peace
Based on the spirit of reciprocity and equity, our association is committed to promoting mutual development and co-prosperity of our member regional governments through exchanges and cooperation in a wide range of areas.