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Russian Member Holds Awards Ceremony for Winners of the 8th NEAR Youth Art Contest2021-02-01


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At the end of last year, the NEAR Secretariat sent certificates of merit and prizes in the name of the NEAR Secretary General to the winners of the 8th NEAR Youth Art Contest and certificates of participation to every participant. In response, Krasnoyarsk Region, Russia held a special awards ceremony for the awardees of the contest at the Surikov Children’s Arts School in late January.

Meanwhile, the Republic of Sakha, Primorsky Territory, Khabarovsk Territory, and Sakhalin Region delivered the certificates of merit and prizes to student participants in a non-contact manner, holding no separate awards ceremony due to Covid–19. The acceptance speeches of the participants along with the related photos were posted via the local news, the webpage of the regional governments, and official social network accounts among others.

The NEAR Secretariat received favorable reviews from participants with regard to the specially produced certificates which have the applicants' entries printed on each certificate, a practice which started with the 8th Art Contest. The certificates were sent out to the participants in the name of the Secretary General.

A total of 132 entries were submitted to the contest by Russian members. Out of the 132 entries, one was awarded the Excellence Award and five were awarded Encouragement Awards among others.