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Mongolian Members Hold Awards Ceremony for Winners of the 8th NEAR Youth Art Contest2021-02-05


File 첨부파일 상장전달식1.jpg  


Prizes, certificates of merit, and certificates of participation for the participants of the 8th NEAR Youth Art Contest held by the NEAR Secretariat were delivered to Mongolian regional member governments.

A separate delivery ceremony was held for the winners and participants of the contest in Uvs Province, Khuvsgul Province, Uvurkhangai Province, and Orkhon Province from late January to early February. The acceptance speeches and explanation of each work along with related photos were posted via the local media and broadcasting stations.

It was remarkable that every participant, whether they were awarded or not, was given certificates of participation with their entries printed on each certificate, leaving good memories, which received favorable reviews from the applicants, their parents, and their teachers.

A total of 46 entries were submitted to the contest by seven Mongolian members. Out of the 46 entries, one was awarded the Excellence Award and four were awarded Encouragement Awards.