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News/Activities News | Secretariat

Highest Number of Members Participate in the 13th General Assembly in NEAR History2021-08-11


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The Association of North East Asia Regional Governments (NEAR) held the 13th NEAR General Assembly online at the POSCO International Center in Pohang City on August 10. The slogan was “After 25 years together, into the future we go!” in the commemoration of the 25th anniversary of the foundation of NEAR. Over 240 people from 73 regional governments, including 70 member regional governments from five countries, and associate member Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam, participated.

Having been postponed one year due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the General Assembly was held in Pohang, South Korea, the location of the Secretariat, taking into account the characteristics of an online meeting.

The opening ceremony began with welcoming remarks by Prime Minister Tarasenko Andrey of NEAR chair the Republic of Sakha, Russia. It was followed by a congratulatory speech by Governor Lee Cheol-woo of Gyeongsangbuk-do Province, South Korea, and guest congratulatory speeches by former United Nations Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon and Japan-China-ROK Trilateral Cooperation Secretariat Secretary-General Michigami Hisashi.

In his speech, Governor Lee stated the importance of expanding understanding and substantial cooperation between member regional governments to tackle common problems in areas such as climate, environment, and health amid global suffering due to COVID-19. He also shared his hopes that NEAR would play a central role in creating a Northeast Asia of coexistence and prosperity by taking the lead in multilateral cooperation.

Mr. Ban sent his congratulations on the 25th anniversary of the foundation of NEAR via video. He stated that NEAR is developing into an exemplary platform for multilateral exchange between Northeast Asian regional governments and stressed that all members must unite and join forces so that it can play an important role, like the UN, between Northeast Asian regional governments.

In the opening remarks, NEAR Secretary-General Kim Ok-chae said, “When we reflect upon the founding philosophy of our association, the goal of our association should be to become the UN of regional governments in Northeast Asia,” and asked members to make full use of the Secretariat in international exchange and cooperation between member regions.

In Session 1 of the General Assembly, the application of South Korea’s Ulsan Metropolitan City for the next chairmanship and the application of China’s Liaoning Province for membership as the 79th member were approved unanimously by participating members.

Mayor Song Chul-ho of Ulsan Metropolitan City, who took the 14th NEAR chairperson, said, “I thank the member regional governments for their trust in Ulsan Metropolitan City,” and “I hope we can gather together in Ulsan and exchange opinions on the common prosperity of NEAR member regional governments after COVID-19 ends.” Governor Liu Ning of Liaoning Province, which newly joined NEAR said, “It is a pleasure to have a new opportunity to get deeply involved in regional cooperation in Northeast Asia through joining NEAR.”

In Session 2, the Republic of Sakha reported the outcomes of the 12th Working Committee meeting and the Subcommittee on Sports. In addition, there were also reports on the outcomes of the Subcommittee on Oceans and Fisheries of Shandong Province of China, the Subcommittee on Disaster Prevention of Hyogo Prefecture of Japan, the Subcommittee on Educational and Cultural Exchange of Shimane Prefecture of Japan, and the Subcommittee on Economy and Humanities Exchange of Gyeongsangbuk-do Province and the plans for the next Subcommittee meetings.

Furthermore, representative presentations were made by member regions, China’s Henan Province, Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region, and Hubei Province, South Korea’s Sejong Special Self-Governing City, Jeollanam-do Province, and Jeju Special Self-Governing Province, Mongolia’s Uvurkhangai Province and Uvs Province, and Russia’s Kamchatka Territory. Finally, the General Assembly ended with the Declaration of the 13th General Assembly.