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Wang Lixia Newly Elected as Secretary of Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region, China2021-08-24


File 첨부파일 왕리샤 주석.jpg  


On August 5, Wang Lixia, former Secretary of the Hohhot Municipal Party Committee, was appointed as Acting Secretary of Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region, a Chinese NEAR member.

After earning her Ph.D. in economics at Xiamen University, Ms. Wang served as the Vice Governor of Shaanxi Province and the Secretary of the Hohhot Municipal Party of Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region. She is regarded as having made significant contributions to leading social development in Shaanxi Province and the Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region.

Since joining NEAR in 2016, the Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region has participated actively in various international exchange events held under the NEAR platform and contributed to the exchange and development between members.

NEAR Secretary General Kim Ok-chae sent a congratulatory letter to the newly appointed Acting Secretary Wang on her inauguration on August 17 and asked the Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region to continue its efforts to enhance exchange and cooperation between Northeast Asian regional governments.