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News/Activities News | Secretariat

NEAR Secretariat Personnel Attend North-East Asia Development Cooperation Forum 2021 Hosted by UNESCAP-ENEA Office from August 26 to 272021-08-30


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The NEAR Secretariat staff participated online in the North-East Asia Development Cooperation Forum 2021 hosted by the East and North-East Asia (ENEA) Office of the United Nations Economic and Social Commission (UNESCAP) from August 26 to 27.

In the forum, Head of the ENEA Office Ganbold Baasanjav gave welcoming remarks on August 26. For the two days, there were a total of four sessions under the themes, “Changing Face of Development Cooperation in Post-COVID-19 Era,” “The SDGs in the Post-COVID- 19 for Regional Development Cooperation,” “East Asia Poverty Alleviation Experience and its Implications for Other Developing Countries,” and “Russia’s Role in Achieving the SDGs in the Post-Covid-19 Context.” The sessions consisted of presentations by key speakers, panel discussions, and open discussions, in which the participants shared useful information and opinions on the themes and discussed the pending issues.

Since launching in May 2010 in Incheon Metropolitan City, South Korea, the UNESCAP-ENEA Office has been working closely with six Northeast Asian member states to build and strengthen multilateral partnerships and intergovernmental cooperation for inclusive and sustainable development in Northeast Asia.