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Shimane Prefecture, Japan, Holds 2021 NEAR Subcommittee Meeting on Educational and Cultural Exchange on August 212021-08-30


File 첨부파일 영상축사.jpg  


NEAR member Shimane Prefecture, Japan, held “Northeast Asia’s Wings of Exchange in Shimane” online on August 21, a program which is part of the activities conducted within the framework of the NEAR Subcommittee on Educational and Cultural Exchange.

NEAR Secretary-General Kim Ok-chae delivered congratulatory remarks via video in the opening ceremony. Mr. Kim stressed that young college students who respect and understand one another without prejudice against the cultures of neighboring countries could bring peace and stability to the region.


This event was attended by 28 college students from six regions, South Korea's Gyeongsangbuk-do Province, China's Jilin Province and Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region, Russia’s Primorsky Territory and Irkutsk Region, and Japan’s Shimane Prefecture. Starting with the opening ceremony on August 21, the program will be held online three more times on September 26, October 30, and November 6. There, students will introduce their culture and exchange opinions with each other.

Meetings of the Subcommittee on Educational and Cultural Exchange have been held annually since 2002 to promote mutual understanding and friendly exchange through interaction between youth from different countries of Northeast Asia and build new networks.