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Fourth Heilongjiang Tourism Industry Development Conference Held in Mudanjiang City, China2021-09-06


File 첨부파일 관광산업 발전대회.jpg  


The opening ceremony and demonstration projects on cultural tourism of the fourth Heilongjiang Tourism Industry Development Conference were held in Mudanjiang City, also known as the Snow Castle of China, on September 1, 2021.

Heilongjiang Province has developed unique regional tourism products featuring the themes of ice and snow, forest, borderlands, wetlands, etc. over the years. It has been committed to strengthening its regional tourism, working hard to develop value chains of the tourism industry to attract visitors and travelers to every region of Heilongjiang all year round.

Every year since 2018, the Heilongjiang Provincial Party Committee and the Heilongjiang Provincial Government have designated a city of the province. This year, Mudanjiang City was selected, and it was encouraged to hold the Heilongjiang Tourism Industry Development Conference. The venue of the main event was set up in Jingpo Lake, a national 5A scenic spot, and seven locations for sub-events were prepared as well.

The event was themed, “The Beautiful Scenery of Jingpo Lake, Forest, Sea, and Snow Plain,” to promote the city brand of “Winter Wonderland of Heilongjiang.” Twenty-nine demonstration projects on the five themes of classic red tourism products, rural revitalization products, cultural and tourism convergence products, technology-enabled products, quality improvement products, and 66 cultural and tourism courses showcased the unique charms of Heilongjiang to visitors.