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News | Secretariat

News/Activities News | Secretariat

Traveling Exhibitions of Award-winning Works of the NEAR Youth Poster Contest Held in Four Cities in South Korea2021-09-09


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The NEAR Secretariat has held the Poster Contest for youth from member regions since 2013. The traveling exhibitions of more than 80 award-winning works over the past five years will take place from September 9 to October 29 in four cities in South Korea.

Last year, the exhibition was first held at the headquarters of Gyeongsangbuk-do New Office and the Gyeongsanbuk-do Office of the Education Cultural Center, receiving favorable responses from the Korean media and citizens. Accordingly, there will be more exhibitions this year.

NEAR Secretary-General Kim Ok-chae, the staff of the NEAR Secretariat, and Ambassador for International Relations of Ulsan Cho Jai-chel viewed the first exhibition held in Ulsan Metropolitan Library, Ulsan Metropolitan City, on September 9. The Secretariat requested Mr. Cho to encourage the citizens of Ulsan to visit the exhibition.

Moreover, the NEAR Secretariat plans to hold an online exhibition by producing a video of the selected works so that youth from Northeast Asia can carry out exchanges with one another through the paintings and posters.