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Toyama Prefecture, Japan, Implements Project to Promote Young Environmental Leaders’ Activities 20212021-09-16


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Toyama Prefecture, Japan, the coordinator of the NEAR Subcommittee on Environment, held one of its projects online, called “Project to Promote Young Environmental Leaders’ Activities 2021,” from August 24 to 25. The theme was “SDGs: To Promote Environmental Preservation Activities.”

In the event, 34 young students from five NEAR member regions of three countries—Japan’s Toyama Prefecture, China’s Shanxi Province, and Russia’s Primorsky Territory, Khabarovsk Territory, and Tomsk Region—participated. There, the youth gave presentations on their regions, cultural exchange, and activities of each region, creating opportunities to promote mutual understanding.


The project is held every year by Toyama Prefecture for the youth of Northeast Asia. It aims to enhance mutual understanding and foster talented individuals to address environmental problems in regions from a global point of view through opinion exchange on environmental issues and activities of environmental preservation.