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NEAR Secretariat Holds Video Conference to Promote NEAR to Youths of the Republic of Sakha, Russia2021-10-20


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The NEAR Secretariat held a video conference with 30 youths of the Republic of Sakha, Russia, led by Maksim Ryazanskiy, a NEAR Youth Honorary Ambassador of the Republic of Sakha, on October 18. They discussed youth activities linked to NEAR.
In the meeting, the NEAR Secretariat staff played the NEAR promotional video, gave a presentation on NEAR’s major activities, and held Q&A sessions with the participants.

Upon hearing the presentation, the participants showed a great deal of interest in the Young Leaders Forum and the Subcommittee on Youth Policy, two NEAR projects they can participate in.

Notably, the conference was attended by officials and heads of governmental organizations and educational institutions. The attendees included the First Vice Minister of External Relations and Ethnic Affairs Stepanova Diana, the head of Sakha Republic’s Agency for Youth Affairs, and the head of North-East Federal University. Their participation supported NEAR youth projects.