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Li Lecheng Elected as Acting Governor of Liaoning Province, China2021-11-01


File 첨부파일 랴오닝 대리 성장.jpg  


On October 20, Li Lecheng, the former Vice Governor of Hubei Province, was elected as Acting Governor of Liaoning Province, China, a NEAR member.

Based on his extensive experience with corporations and governments, Governor Li contributed to Hubei Province’s recovery from COVID-19 to everyday life quickly and its realization of stable economic growth.

Since 1998, which is one of the early years of the establishment of NEAR, Liaoning Province has participated in multiple NEAR international exchange events as an observer and became an official member as of August 10 at the thirteenth General Assembly this year.

On October 29, NEAR Secretary-General Kim Ok-chae sent a letter to congratulate newly elected Acting Governor Li on his inauguration. In addition, Mr. Kim asked Mr. Li to play a pivotal role in enhancing exchange and cooperation between regional governments in Northeast Asia through the NEAR platform going forward.