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News | Secretariat

News/Activities News | Secretariat

KIM Ok-Chae, the Fifth NEAR Secretary-General Resigns from His Position on November 302022-12-02


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KIM Ok-chae, the fifth NEAR Secretary-General resigned from his position on November 30, as he has been appointed to serve as the Korean Consul-General in Yokohama, Japan, upon the request of the Korean government sworn in this year.

Mr. Kim contributed to the development of the NEAR secretariat by striving to continue the policy of solidariy and cooperation among member regional governments by strengthening th erole of the secretariat over the last three and a half years.


All the staff members of the secretariat delivered the plaque of appreciation for his efforts. In response, he said, “I look forward to seeing NEAR playing its role as a regional United Nations in Northeast Asia by further developing the founding spirit of common development and stability through strengthening grassroots exchange between local governments regardless of political and diplomatic situations between central governments.