동북아시아지역자치단체연합 로고

АРАССВА,  центр сотрудничества Северо-Восточной Азии

Орон нутгийн танилцуулга

Орон нутгийн танилцуулга Орон нутгийн танилцуулга


Бичлэг оруулахAdmin

Файл 첨부파일 image2.jpg   첨부파일 A4.jpg  



Welcome to ZAVKHAN PROVINCE of MONGOLIA. The Administration of Zavkhan province of Mongolia will organize this event for the purpose of introducing Mongolian nomadic culture, traditions, and customs to foreign and domestic tourists, providing them with an opportunity to physically get familiar with Mongolian nomadic culture and developing the sustainable tourism which promotes environmentally friendly and socio-economically efficient products. Let's travel through nomads culture in the natural environment. Contact us: JBN_MGL@yahoo.com khosbayar.zavkhan.gov@gmail.com