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[Daegu Metropolitan City, South Korea] Mayor Hong Joon-pyo Meets with the Chinese Ambassador Xing Haiming to South Korea2024-05-31



○ On May 31, Hong Joon-pyo, mayor of Daegu Metropolitan City, met with Xing Haiming, Chinese ambassador to South Korea, in Daegu City Hall.


○ During the meeting, Mr. Hong requested a pair of pandas to be sent to Daegu Grand Park, whose construction is scheduled to be completed in 2027, and also asked for Mr. Xing’s cooperation in opening a direct flight route between Daegu and Chengdu, Sichuan Province, which is a sister city of Daegu.


○ In response, Mr. Xing promised for his full support by discussing the matter with the Chinese central government.

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Source : The Munhwa Ilbo