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[Gyeongsangbuk-do, South Korea] Zhang Yingchun, Executive Vice Governor of Hunan Province of China, Visits Gyeongsangbuk-do of South Korea2024-06-05



○ On June 3, a delegation of 13 officials from Hunan Province, headed by Executive Vice Governor ZHANG Yingchun, visited KIM Hak-hong, deputy governor for administration, in Gyeongsangbuk-do province.

○ The visit was made in response to the Gyeongsangbuk-do’s visit to Hunan province in last September to commemorate the 5th anniversary of the sisterhood of the two regions.

○ During the meeting, the two regions reviewed the progress that has been made for the last 6 years since the establishment of their sisterhood in 2018, and discussed ways to enhance bilateral exchange in the areas of economy, trade, culture, and etc.

Click on the relevant news: Gyeongbuk Shinmun