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[Hunan Province, China] Zhang Yingchun, Executive Vice Governor of Hunan Province, Visits the Chinese Embassy to South Korea2024-06-07



○ On June 4, a delegation from Hunan Province, headed by the Executive Vice Governor Zhang Yingchun of Hunan Province, visited the Chinese Embassy to South Korea and met with Ambassador Xing Haiming.

○ In her meeting with Mr. Xing, Ms. Zhang provided the current progress of Hunan’s economic and social development as well as the province’s status of exchange with South Korea. Then she stated that Hunan Province will make efforts to explore further opportunities for industrial, economic, and trade cooperation with South Korea and expand people-to-people exchange.

○ During her stay in Korea from June 2 to 4, Ms. Zhang met with Governor Lee Cheol-woo of Gyeongsangbuk-do, Vice-Governor Kim Hak-hong of Gyeongsangbuk-do, a cultural tourism promotional organization of Hunan Province, Secretary-General LIM Byung-jin of the Association of North East Asia Regional Governments.

Relevent news: Official WeChat account of the Chinese Embassy to South Korea