Selenge Province
- NationMongolia
- Government NameSelenge Province
- GovernorN.Lkhagvadorj
Coat of arms
- International anthropologists conclude that people have lived in Selenge Region since 400 ~ 500 thousand years ago as human bones found at Shaamar Sum of Selenge Aimag in 1974 indicated the time when humans first settled in the Central Asia. Selenge was the center of the Hun, which had conquered the Central Asia since the year 1 B.C. After that, Gurvan Province joined in this area during the 10th Century. From 14th Century to 18th Century, international capital flew to Mongolia as foreign trades began in Khiagt, Khuder, and Zelter. Selenge was the gateway of the international trade. As such, Selenge emerged as the center of global economy and political exchange in the 19th Century and 20th Century, advancing into the global market earlier than any other regions in Mongolia.
Topographic Features
- Selenge Province is the home of the Great Khans, such as Amgai Khan, Khotol Khan, Khabul Khan and Esuhei Khan. In 1921, the first victory of the people's revolution was made in Selenge Aimag.
Basic Information
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Geography/Climate |
Population(2021) |
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Sisterhood & Friendship Provinces / Cities |
Economic Status
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Economy(2021) |
Economy(2010) |
- Contact:Administrative management department
- Address:Government office of Selenge province
- Tel.:+976-7036-2171
- Fax.:+976-7036-1111
- Official Website :