동북아시아지방정부연합 로고

The hub of exchange & cooperation in Northeast Asia

General Assembly

Database General Assembly

The 8th General Assembly2012-12-14


File 첨부파일 The8thGeneralAssemnbly.docx   첨부파일 제8차총회_5.JPG   첨부파일 제8차총회_4.JPG   첨부파일 제8차총회_3.JPG   첨부파일 제8차총회_2.JPG   첨부파일 제8차총회_1.JPG   첨부파일 영어_총회.pdf  






The 8th General Assembly of the Association of North East Asia Regional Governments


※ When : 27 October 2010(Wed.) ~ 29 October 2010 (Fri.) (2 nights, 3 Days)

※ Where : Gyeonggi-do Province, Korea (Grand Ball Room, KINTEX, Goyang City)

※ Theme : Shared Prosperity Through Cooperation

※ Major Events
Official Events (Opening ceremony, welcome reception, Gala dinner and etc. )

※ General Assembly
- Activity reports
- Presentations by member regions : discussion on proposals
- Presentation, discussion and voting on the General Assembly agenda (incl. decision on the host)

※ Official language : Chinese, Japanese, Korean, Mongolian and Russian

※ Participation
Member Regions : 102 people from 35 regions of 5 countries
China 23 (5 regions); Japan 12 (4 regions); Korean 31(10 regions); Mongolia 28 (12 regions); Russia 8 (4 regions)

Non-member region : 5 people from 3 regions of 2 countries

NEAR Secretariat : 12 people