■ Date: March 6(Mon.)-9(Thurs.), 2017
■ Venue: Kobe City and Miki City, Hyogo Prefecture, Japan
■ Participants
○A total of 25 participants: 21 participants from 16 organizations across four countries, four staff/ personnel from the NEAR Secretariat
• Japan(1): Hyogo Prefecture
• South Korea (4): Incheon Metropolitan City, Daegu Metropolitan City, Jeollabuk-do Province, Gyeongsagnbuk-do Province
• China (3): Hunan Province, Heilongjiang Province, Shanxi Province
• Mongolia (7): Arkhangai Province, Uvs Province, Sukhbaatar Province, Khentii Province, Khovd Province, Bulgan Province, Bayan-Ulgii Province
•Russia (1): Primorsky Territory
■Meeting Details
○ March 6 (Mon.)
• Welcome Session
- Vice governor of Hyogo Prefecture, superintendent of Hyogo Prefecture's disaster prevention department, and consulate staff from the consulate of three countries, including the Consulate General of the Republic of Korea in Osaka.
○ March 7 (Tue.)
• Visit to the Disaster Reduction and Human Renovation Institution
-Video screening of earthquake disaster and recovery (the Great Hanshin Earthquake and Great East Japan Earthquake) and Disaster Prevention Workshop
• Presentation on “Hyogo Prefecture’s Measure for Disaster Prevention” by Disaster Prevention Policy Division
• Exchange of views between the International Disaster Prevention organizations of member regions
- Director of Asian Disaster Reduction Center (ADRC)
- International Recovery Platform (IRP)
○ March 8 (Wed.)
• Hyogo Anti-Disaster Center
- Lecture “the Lesson for Disaster Prevention from Hansin-Awazi Earthquake”, tour to reserve storage, and simulation of real-time disaster situation
• Visit to Kobe Disaster Management Center
○ March 9 (Thur.)