Working-level Workshop 공유 페이스북 X 인쇄 2017 2019-10-18 Write Admin File Overview Date: April 19(Wed.) – 21(Fri.), 2017 Venue: Jeju Oriental Hotel, Jeju Special Self-Governing Province, the Republic of Korea Participants: 100 attendees (40 regional governments of 5 countries) 워크숍 개요 Country Regional Governments(No.) No. of Participants Notes Total 40 99 China 8 19 Japan 4 10 Korea 14 29 Mongolia 13 22 Russia 1 2 Secretariat 17 Host/Organizer: The Secretariat of North East Asia Regional Governments (NEAR) Main Content Report on the major activities of the Association (Outcomes of General Assembly, business tasks of the Secretariat, activities of Subcommittees) Promotion of main progress projects and introduction of the current state of NEAR regional governments Reversion of Subcommittees, amendment (revised plan) of operation provision, follow-up discussions on the introduction of membership fee Local tour (Seongsan Ilchulbong), etc. Major Events by Date Major Events by Date Date Main Contents Notes Day 1: April 19 (Wed.) Registration Day 2: April 20 (Thu.) Working-level Workshop, official dinner Day 3: April 21 (Fri.) Local tour of Seongsan Ilchulbong Main Outcomes Report on the main activities of the Association Report on the outcome of the 11th NEAR General Assembly (Irkutsk Region, Russia) Report on the main businesses of the NEAR Secretariat Report on Subcommittees - Subcommittee on Maritime Affairs and Fisheries (Shandong Province, China) - Subcommittee on Energy and Climate Change (Shanxi Province, China) - Subcommittee on Environment (Toyama Prefecture, Japan) - Subcommittee on Disaster Prevention (Hyogo Prefecture, Japan) - Subcommittee on Educational & Cultural Exchange (Shimane Prefecture, Japan) Presentations by Regional Governments Introduction of Hunan Province (Chair Member) (Hunan Province, China) Propulsion of the advancement of cooperation through youth exchange (Shanxi Province, China) Introduction of the Medicity Daegu (Daegu Metropolitan City, Korea) Asia Pacific Cities Summit(APCS) (Daejeon Metropolitan City, Korea) Jecheon Bio Exhibition 2017 (Chungcheongbuk-do Province, Korea) Ho Chi Minh City – Gyeongju World Culture Expo 2017 (Gyeongsangbuk-do Province, Korea) The 2nd United Cities and Local Governments (Jeju Special Self-Governing Province, Korea) Current states of Sukhbaatar Province (Sukhbaatar Province, Mongolia) Discussions on Main Agenda Discussion Ⅰ: Suggestion of the revision of Subcommittees and amendment (revised plan) of the management regulations Discussion Ⅱ: The use of membership fees ※ Outcomes of collecting feedback, presentations and discussions on the main content: attached Local Tour Seongsan Ilchulbong Major Pictures of Event PDF Download 2017 NEAR booklet Next 2018 Prev 2016 List