동북아시아지역자치단체연합 로고

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Press Releases

News/Activities Press Releases

Clippings of China’s Local Press Releases in Regards to Secretary-General Kim Ok-chae’s Congratulatory Remarks at the First China (Ningxia) International Wine Culture and Tourism Expo2021-10-13


File 첨부파일 김옥채 사무총장, 「제1회 중국(닝샤) 국제 와인 문화관광 박람회」축사 관련 현지 언론보도 스크랩.pdf  

Clippings of China’s Local Press Releases in Regards to Secretary-General Kim Ok-chae’s Congratulatory Remarks at the First China (Ningxia) International Wine Culture and Tourism Expo