동북아시아지역자치단체연합 로고

The hub of exchange & cooperation in Northeast Asia


News/Activities Notice

The 11th NEAR Youth ArtㆍPoster Contest2023-03-13


File 첨부파일 Overview of the 11th Youth Art Contest_Eng.pdf  

The Association of North East Asia Regional Governments has held the Youth ArtPoster Contest since 2016, the main players of the next generation, to provide opportunities to take interest in and grow in understanding of the cultures of neighboring countries. The contest has grown and a total of 2,037 youths from five countries: China, Japan, Korea, Mongolia, and Russia, have participated over the last seven years.

We are holding the 11th NEAR Youth Art · Contest, as outlines in the file attached. We look forward to active youth participation..

◦ Deadline: Wednesday, September 27, 2023 18:00 

◦ Eligibility for Participation: Youth aged 12 ~ 18 from NEAR members·associate members·observers

◦ Theme: “What Our Festivals Tell Us about Northeast Asia

  - "Festivals you want to attend"; or 

  - "festivals you want to tell everyone about"

※ Please refer to the overview of the 11th NEAR Youth Art · Contest and application form for details.