동북아시아지방정부연합 로고

The hub of exchange & cooperation in Northeast Asia


News/Activities Notice

The 15th Subbommittee Meeting on Disaster Prevention (Hyogo Prefecture, Japan)2016-12-28


File 첨부파일 01_Hyog_Invitation_2017_KO.pdf   첨부파일 01_Hyog_Invitation_EN.pdf  

A. Participants: Officials overseeing disaster management efforts in 77 NEAR member regions in 6 countries, limited to two persons per region * Please kindly note that we may be unable to accept all applications due to the limited capacity on site. B. Dates: March 6 (Mon.) – 9 (Thu.), 2017 C. Host: Disaster Prevention Subcommittee, NEAR (Hyogo Prefectural Government) D. Contents (tentative): ○ Lecture, discussion - Presentation: Hyogo’s policies on disaster risk reduction (DRR) - Explanation about the activities of international DRR organizations and exchange of opinions with personnel from those organizations (Asian Disaster Reduction Center [ADRC], International Recovery Platform [IRP]) ○ Hyogo study tour - Disaster Reduction and Human Renovation Institution (DRI) - Hyogo Prefectural Emergency Management & Training Center - RIKEN: K Computer - Hyogo Institute for Traumatic Stress For more information, please contact NEAR Secretariat.