동북아시아지역자치단체연합 로고

The hub of exchange & cooperation in Northeast Asia


News/Activities Notice

No Subject Writer Date File Views
20 the 5th Youth Contest   Admin 2017-04-05 첨부파일 5946
19 Northeast Asia Youth Leaders F...   Admin 2017-04-03 5653
18 The 15th Subbommittee Meeting ...   Admin 2016-12-28 첨부파일 5686
17 2016 NEAR International Forum   Admin 2016-11-08 첨부파일 5706
16 The 11th NEAR General Assembly   Admin 2016-09-01 5716
15 Temporary Shut-down of the web...   Admin 2016-07-12 5571
14 The 16th Sub-Committee meeting...   Admin 2016-07-04 5736
13 2016 NEAR Young Leader's F...   Admin 2016-06-07 6003
12 Sub-Committee on Mineral Resou...   Admin 2016-05-30 5643
11 The 4th NEAR Youth Contest   Admin 2016-04-15 첨부파일 6102