Geography and Climate |
- Area : 1.183 million㎢
- Location : northern frontier of the People's Republic of China, extending from northeast to southwest
- Geomorphology : highland of the average altitude of aproximately1000 meters
- Climate : temperate continental and monsoon climate
Population |
District and Organization |
- Administrative Divisions: 9 prefecture-level cities, 3 Aimags, 17 counties, 49 banners, 3 autonomous banners, 11 county-level cities, 23 districts (end of 2017)
- Location of the provincial government: Hohhot
- Organization: Governor(1), Vice-governor(6)
Major Events |
- China-Mongolia Expo and other events
Cultural Heritage |
- Dazhao Temple, Wuta Temple, Zhaojun Tomb, Genghis Khan Mausoleum
Sisterhood & Friendship Provinces / Cities |
- Mongolia: Gobi Altai Province, Mongolia(Dec 2009)
- Russia: Chita, Russia(Sept 1990), Republic of Tuva(Dec 2007)
- Others: California, USA (May 2000)