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The hub of exchange & cooperation in Northeast Asia

Member Regional Governments

Amur Region

Member Regional Governments Russia Amur Region

Oleg Nikolayevich Kozhemyako

  • NationRussian Federation
  • Government NameAmur Region
  • GovernorVasily Orlov





Coat of arms

Coat of arms



  • 1858: The Amur Region was founded.
  • In January 1926, Amur Region became part of the Far Eastern Territory, which was subsequently divided into Khabarovsk and Primorye Territories in 1938. Amur Region itself was included in Khabarovsk Territory.
  • In 1948, Amur Region was finally separated from Khabarovsk Territory and became an independent region of the RSFSR.

Topographic Feature and Characteristics

  • The Stanovoi Range is located in the northern part of the region, while the mountain chain of the Yankan, Tukuringra, Soktakhan, and Dazhgdi Ranges is situated to the south. The Zeya-Bureya and Amur-Zeya plains occupy nearly 2/5 of the region. The main rivers are the Amur, Zeya, and Bureya.

Basic Information

  • Area : 361,913㎢
  • Location : The Amur Region is located at the southeastern part of the Asian Region of the Russian Federation, spreading around the Stanovoi Mountain on its northern part and the Amur River on its south. The Amur Region neighbors with the People’s Republic of China in the south, with Chita Region in the west and with Khabarovsk Territory in the west.
  • Climate: Amur Region has a continental climate with monsoon features. The average summer temperature is +20°C, and the average winter temperature is -30°C; annual precipitation is about 850㎜.
  • Population : 790,044 (January 2020)
  • Population density : 2.18 persons/㎢ (January 2020)
Major events
  • 150th anniversary of the establishment of Amur(December 8, 2008)
Tourist Attractions and Cultural Heritage
  • Blagoveshchensk, Tynda
Sisterhood & Friendship Provinces / Cities
  • China: Heilongjiang Province(June 2009)
  • North Korea: Pyeongyang(June 2014)
  • South Korea: Chungcheongnam-do Province(June 1995)

Economic Status

  • GRDP : 412.4 billion rubles ($5.5 billion)(2019)
  • Per capita GRDP : 521,060 rubles ($7,003)(2019)
  • Industrial structure: The leading industrial sectors are power (50.7%), nonferrous metallurgy(14.8%), coal(12.7%), food(10.8%), forestry and woodworking(2.9%), and the engineering industry, which manufactures agricultural machinery and mining equipment. Among other things. The region specializes in brown coal and gold production, electric power generation, commercial timber and lumber production, and production of machinery for the region's construction, power, coal, and gold-mining industries. Manufactured products are sold on the domestic market, and lumber is exported to Japan and Korea.
  • Agricultural and Fisheries Product : Amur Region is the main agricultural area of the Far East, producing 2/3 of the grain and 50% of the soybeans. Vegetables and potatoes are also grown. Livestock breeding is oriented toward meat and dairy production.


  • Contact:Ministry of International Economic Relations and Tourism
  • Address:Russia, 675023, Amur Region, Blagoveschensk, Lenin str., 135
  • Tel.:7-4162-44-12-97
  • Fax.:7-4162-44-38-11
  • Official Website : http://www.amurobl.ru