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Republic of Tuva


  • NationRussian Federation
  • Government NameRepublic of Tuva
  • GovernorVladislav Hovalyg





Coat of arms

Coat of arms



  • September 9. 1921: Transformed from People's Commissariat of the Russian Soviet Federative Socialist Republic to the Assembly of National Society to declare the independence of Tyva.
  • July 22. 1925: Conclusion of Protocol on Friendly Relations and Foreign Affairs between the Tyvinian People's Republic and the Soviet Union
  • August 10. 1926: Conclusion of Mutual Recognition of Independence, Friendly Relations and Foreign Affairs between the Tyvinian People's Republic and the Mongolian People’s Republic in Ulaanbaatar
  • October 1944: Conclusion of the Statute of the Executive-level Meeting of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR on Tyva's transfer to the USSR as an autonomous community
  • 1961: Acquisition of the Status of Tyva Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic Tyva ASSR
  • December 1990: Adoption of Declaration on the Sovereignty as a member of the USSR in the Supreme Soviet of Tyva Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic Tyva ASSR
  • December 28. 1991: Adoption of the Statute on the President of the Tyva Republic.
  • October 21. 1993: Adoption of the Constitution of the Tyva Republic in the Supreme Soviet
  • May 6. 2001: Adoption of the New Constitution and Cancellation of the Statute on the Status of President of the Tyva Republic.
  • March 2002: Election for Chairman of the Tyva Republic.
  • June 2002: Election of Parliament of the Tyva Republic.

Basic Information

  • Area : 168,600㎢
  • Location : The Republic of Tuva(Tyva) is situated in the central part of the Asian continent bounded by the Eastern Siberia on the north, Mongolia on the south and east, Irkutsk Region on the northeast, the Buryat Republic on the east and the Altai Republic on the west.
  • Climate : Tuva has a severe continental climate with cold, windless winters and little snow on the plains. Summers are moderately warm in the mountains and hot on the plains. In January, the average temperature is between -28°C and -32°C, and in July, it is between +15°C and +20°C. The temperature of the coldest winter reached -58°C and that of the hottest summer did +40°C. Natural landscapes range from steppe and dry steppe on the plains to mountain taiga and deciduous forests on the mountain slopes to subalpine, alpine, and mountain tundra on the mountain heights.
  • Population : 327,383 (January 2020)
  • Population density : 1.94 persons/㎢ (January 2020)
Tourist Attractions
  • Maly Bayan-Kol, Syyn-Churek
Sisterhood & Friendship Provinces / Cities
  • China: Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region(Dec 2007), Liaoning Province(Nov 2012)
  • Mongolia: Zavkhan Province, Uvs Province, Khovd Province(March 2002); Bayan-Ulgii Province(April 2003), Arkhangai Province, Khuvsgul Province(Sept 2004); Ulaanbaatar(Oct 2009)

Economic Status

  • GRDP : 79.2 billion rubles ($1.06 billion)(2019)
  • Per capita GRDP : 243,052 rubles ($3,266)(2019)
  • Industrial structure : Industry 8.2%, agriculture 15%, construction 3.5%, transportation 3.2%, communication 1.5%, commerce 12.7%, others 55.2%
  • Asbestos, processed wood, furniture, wool carpet, nonferrous products


  • Contact:International Economy Authority
  • Address : Russia, 667000, Republic of Tyva, Kyzyl city, Chuldum str., 18
  • Tel.:7-39422-3-16-59, 7-39422-3-70-00
  • Fax.:7-39422-2-13-54, 7-39422-2-13-40
  • Official Website : https://rtyva.ru/