- NationRussian Federation
- Government NameSakhalin Region
- GovernorLimarenko Valery


Coat of arms
- 1850: G.I.Nevelsky raised the Russian flag in the lower Amur and declared it and the Sakhalin Islands in the Russian Territory.
- 1869: Sakhalin was officially declared as an exile and a prison.
- 1905: Japanese troops occupied Sakhalin.
- 1907~1911: The Japan government formed a governorship Karafuto on the territory of southern Sakhalin.
- 1914: the “Convention on principal rules of USSR and Japan interrelations” was signed in Beijing. It returned the northern Sakhalin to the USSR.
- 1941: the Soviet-Japan pact on neutrality was signed.
- 1956: Soviet-Japan declaration was signed in Moscow. It said about the end of war between the USSR and Japan.
Topographic Feature and Characteristics
Sakhalinskaya Oblast is the only region in Russia that is located on the islands.
Basic Information
Contents |
Geography/Climate |
- Area : 87,100㎢
- Location: Sakhalin Region is situated in eastern coast of Eurasia. It includes the island of Sakhalin with neighboring small islands Moneron and Tyuleniy as well as Kuril Islands. Sakhalin Region is washed by the Seas of Okhotsk and Japan and the Pacific Ocean.
- Climate: The climate is of moderate monsoon type. The average temperature in January is from 6 (in the south) to 24(in the north) degree Celciuos below zero, the average temperature in August is from 19(in the south) to 10(in the north) degree Celcious above zero. Unique geographic location of Sakhalin Oblast forms the geographic advantage, which favors the development of foreign communications. Big length of Sakhalin Region determines the diversity of geographic position, natural conditions, resources and economic opportunities. Main feature of natural conditions of the region has high seismic and volcanic activity. It is especially typical for the Kuril Islands where there are 9 active volcanoes and earthquakes happen quite often.
Population |
- Population : 488,257 (January 2020)
- Population density : 5.6 persons/㎢ (January 2020)
Sisterhood & Friendship Provinces / Cities |
- China: Heilongjiang Province(June 2014)
- Japan: Hokkaido Prefecture(Nov1998)
- Korea: Jeju Special Self-Governing Province(Nov 2010)
Economic Status
Contents |
Economy(2010) |
- GRDP : 1.1 trillion rubles ($15.7 billion)(2019)
- Per capita GRDP : 2,400,858 rubles ($32,267)(2019)
Industry |
- Industrial structure : Oil and gas industry accounts for more than 50%
Product |
- Oil industry : Oil and gas account for a large proportion of Sakhalin’s GRDP. In 2001, 3.7 million tons of oil were produced. Oil reserves on the Sakhalin Continental Shelf are estimated at 700 mln and gas reserves at 1 trillion㎥.
- Fisheries : Fish products from Sakhalin account at 10% of those from Russia and 20% from the Far East. Fish products in 2001 amounted to 422,800 ton.
- Forestry : Total forest area is 5.3 mln ha. Annual timber harvest is estimated at 80,000㎥, 75% of which are exported.
- Contact:Ministry of Investment and International Relations
- Address : Russia, 693011, Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk, Kommunistichesky ave., 39
- Tel.:7-4242-469-392
- Fax.:7-4242-469-395
- Official Website : http://www.yuzhno.sakh.ru