동북아시아지역자치단체연합 로고

The hub of exchange & cooperation in Northeast Asia


Major Activities

Subcommittee Subcommittee on Environment Major Activities

The 5th Meeting2012-12-13



※ Date: October 16, 2003

※ Venue: Okhotsk Canal Park Hotel, Toyama

※ Participated by: 14 Organizations from Four Countries

- Election of government coordinators – Toyama (Jul 13, 2005)
- New Regional Governments – Tottori (Japan), Gangwon-do (Korea), Chita Region (Russia), Tuv Aimak, Selenge Aimak (Mongolia)
- 2002~2003 Activities of Subcommittee on the Environment and Individual Projects
- Proposal and Explanation of 2004 Individual Projects
ㆍ Study on Maritime Floats along the Coastline of the East and Yellow Seas, Joint Study of Northeast Asia’s Migratory Birds, Children’s Marine Safety and Environmental Training and Enlightenment Activities
- Activity Journal of Subcommittee on the Environment
- Other
ㆍ Explanation and Discussion of 2003 White Book of the East Sea and Its Environment