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NEAR Secretary-General Visits Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam and Phnom Penh, Cambodia2017-08-03


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A NEAR delegation headed by Secretary-General Hong Jong-kyoung visited Ho Chi Minh, Vietnam and Phnom Penh, Cambodia to promote associate membership from July 25 (Tue.)-27(Thur.).
In Ho Chi Minh City, the delegation met with Le Thanh Liem, the Vice-Chairman of the Ho Chi Min City people’s committee for external affairs and invited the city to join NEAR activities as an associate member.
The Vice-Chairman responded positively, commenting that Ho Chi Minh City is currently engaged in external exchange with many cities internationally, and that it expects to extend its network to metropolitan governments in Northeast Asia if Ho Chi Minh City joined NEAR as an associate member.



The delegation later visited the Consulate-General of Republic of Korea in Ho Chi Minh City and met with Consul-General Park Noh-wan to ask for support in inviting Ho Chi Minh City to join NEAR as an associate member.



On July 27, the delegation visited Cambodia and met with Ambassador Kim Won-jin of the Embassy of the Republic of Korea. The delegation also held a meeting with Suos Yara, a parliamentarian of the ruling party, the Cambodia People’s Party, and the vice chairman of the International Affairs Committee, to introduce the activities of NEAR and consulted with regional governments in Cambodia with regards to joining NEAR as associate members.